We're Specialized Body Geometry Fit Experts!
Developed from years of working with Dr. Andy Pruitt Ed.D., PA of the Boulder Center for Sports Medicine and found only at Specialized dealers, like us, BG FIT (Body Geometry Fit Integration Technology) is a comprehensive fitting system created to help cyclists like you ride faster, longer and in complete comfort, while reducing your chances of injury.
We use the system's latest technology to ensure a precise fit based on your exact measurements. We incorporate your athletic and cycling background, height, flexibility and inseam to determine specific vertical and horizontal coordinates. And, a great thing about the BG FIT is that we can provide a thorough, cutting-edge, expert fit in a short amount of time. Plus, if you're purchasing a new Specialized bicycle, you're getting the best in bike technology too.
Here are some specifics on what sets our Body Geometry Fittings apart (watch the video!):
The BG FIT process
- Pre-fit interview - Every fit, whether it's for a novice or experienced cyclist starts with a brief interview with our trained technician that addresses your needs, goals and injury history.
- Flexibility assessment - This evaluation provides an accurate picture of your flexibility and other physical attributes, including assessment of foot structure, knee position, spinal curve, shoulder extension, hip flexion and leg length, among others.
- Side view - This is a riding-position assessment using your side view on the bike. The goal is to find the correct neutral position that's both efficient and comfortable by adjusting the seat, handlebars, stem and cleats.
- Front view - Analysis from a front view to optimize hip, knee and foot alignment for optimum efficiency and balanced power delivery. This includes analysis of the pedal and shoe placement and how squarely you sit on the seat.
- Follow-up - After a week or so, the technician calls to discuss the effectiveness of the adjustments and to answer any other questions or concerns you may have.
Benefits of our BG FIT fittings
- We're trained in muscle and skeletal anatomy related to the motion of cycling, common aches and pains associated with cycling, and the corrections necessary to address these issues.
- We assess your pedal stroke and can install BG footbeds and varus/valgus wedges to properly align your feet/knees/hips for maximum efficiency and comfort.
- We can help you ride longer, faster, happier, and healthier so you gain the get the most from your cycling.
- With our fitting experience, tools and unique Specialized Body Geometry bicycles and equipment, we can recommend adjustments and products that solve even unique challenges in flexibility, comfort, injuries and power output.
Body Geometry seats, gloves, shoes and more
Everyone’s body is unique and it’s impossible to perfectly fit every person with the same components. That’s why we offer Specialized's excellent Body Geometry seats, gloves and shoes that ensure the greatest comfort and complement your body and bike fit perfectly.
BG seats have been developed with ergonomics expert Dr. Roger Minkow, M.D. They use custom shapes, cutaways and multi-density padding to eliminate pressure and maximize your comfort and pedaling efficiency. Their are also Specialized Body Geometry shorts for additional comfort.
BG gloves were designed with the help of Dr. Minkow too. They feature a unique pad system that relieves pressure on the ulnar nerve for top comfort no matter how far you ride. Specialized also offers multi-density grips and handlebar tapes that work together with their BG gloves to maximize your comfort.
BG shoes have been developed with Dr. Andy Pruitt of the Boulder Center for Sports Medicine. BG shoes use built-in ergonomic features like varus wedges, longitudinal arches, sized footbeds and metatarsal buttons for amazing pedaling efficiency and comfort.
If you'd like to learn more about our fittings and/or have us fit you with our Specialized Body Geometry Fit System, please contact us to schedule an appointment. We look forward to fitting you soon!